
Selected work, 1986-2011

Untitled, Peter Alexander, 1986. Gouache on paper, 32.75 x 29.75 inches. PA86 146

Untitled, Peter Alexander, 1988. Gouache and pastel on paper, 8.75 x 8.5 inches. PA88 163

Claudia, Peter Alexander, 1991. Acrylic on canvas, 66 x 60 inches. PA91 72

Wynn, Peter Alexander, 1993. Pastel on paper, 24 x 26 inches. PA93 59

Mirage III, Peter Alexander, 1994. Gouache on paper, 8 x 9 inches. PA94 28

Untitled, Peter Alexander, 1994. Gouache on paper, 11 x 12 inches. PA94 39

Ashland, Peter Alexander, 1995. Pastel on paper, 8.5 x 10 inches. PA95 39

Boccaccio, Peter Alexander, 1995. Acrylic on panel, 24 x 26.5 inches. PA95 4

Untitled, Peter Alexander, 1996. Gouache, pastel, and pencil on paper, 9 x 12 inches. PA96 100

Untitled, Peter Alexander, 1996. Pastel on paper, 9.5 x 12.5 inches. PA96 101

ABAX, Peter Alexander, 1997. Gouache on paper, 15 x 18.25 inches. PA97 2

IBM, Peter Alexander, 1997. Gouache on paper, 15 x 20 inches. PA97 4

Curt, Peter Alexander, 1998. Acrylic on panel, 48 x 53 inches. PA99 12

Arlington, Peter Alexander, 1998. Acrylic on panel, 48 x 53 inches. PA98 1

Chico, Peter Alexander, 1999. Acrylic on canvas, 16 x 18 inches. PA99 13

Zephyr II, Peter Alexander, 1999. Acrylic on panel, 30 x 33 inches. PA99 25

Cabrillo, Peter Alexander, 2000. Monoprint, 30 x 33 inches. PA00 10

Louise, Peter Alexander, 2000. PA00 51

Plumosa, Peter Alexander, 2001. Acrylic on panel, 18 x 20 inches. PA01 179

Partridge, Peter Alexander, 2001. Acrylic on panel, 18 x 20 inches. PA01 21

Autry, Peter Alexander, 2002. Acrylic on panel, 36 x 40 inches. PA02 47

Lydia, Peter Alexander, 2004. Acrylic on paper, 19.75 x 23 inches. PA04 14

Fiona, Peter Alexander, 2004. Acrylic on paper, 19.5 x 23 inches. PA04 16

Benton Way, Peter Alexander, 2009. Monoprint, 12.875 x 14.75 inches. PA09 13

Wilshire, Peter Alexander, 2009. Monoprint, 12.625 x 14.25 inches. PA09 16

Untitled (Joe Davis 1), Peter Alexander, 2011. Acrylic on panel, 48 x 53 inches. PA11 01

Untitled (Joe Davis 2), Peter Alexander, 2011. Acrylic on panel, 48 x 53 inches. PA11 02